The Road to Sustainability in India Starts with Electric Trucks

Akshay Sharma
Akshay Sharma

CEO's Office @ZEVO

The winds of change are blowing across the world, and sustainability is no longer a “good to have” but a “must-have” for businesses. 

In India, the push for clean energy solutions is gaining momentum, and electric vehicles (EVs) are playing a crucial role. 

But what about electric trucks? Can they be a game-changer for Indian businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact?

The answer is a clear yes! Look to China, the undisputed leader in electric truck sales. In 2022 alone, they sold a staggering 36,000 electric trucks – a whopping 91% of the global market.  These electric vehicles aren’t just good for the environment, they can also boost your bottom line.

[Source: International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)]

Studies suggest electric trucks can offer significant cost savings, with potential fuel cost reductions of 30-60% compared to diesel trucks. Imagine the impact on your business!

This blog dives deep into the world of electric trucks in India. We’ll explore the current scenario, compare electric trucks to their diesel counterparts, and highlight the compelling business case for adopting this clean technology. 

We’ll also provide practical strategies to overcome challenges and leverage the growing network of charging infrastructure.

The Road Ahead: Electric Trucks in India (Current Scenario)

While India is still in the early stages of electric truck adoption, the future looks promising. Here’s a snapshot of the current landscape:

  • Market Share: Electric trucks currently hold a small share of the Indian commercial vehicle market, estimated to be between 1-2% compared to the dominance of diesel trucks [Source: JMK Research & Analytics].

    However, this segment is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, with projections suggesting it could reach 4,000-6,000 Intracity electric trucks by the end of March 2025.
  • Government Push: The Indian government is actively promoting electric vehicle (EV) adoption, including electric trucks. Initiatives like the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India (FAME) scheme offer subsidies and incentives for EV purchases.

    Additionally, government agencies are exploring the creation of charging infrastructure on major highways, potentially easing range anxiety for electric truck operators.
  • Challenges Remain: Despite the positive signs, challenges still exist for electric truck operators in India. One major hurdle is the lack of a widespread network of charging stations specifically designed for heavy-duty electric trucks.

    This can limit the practicality of electric trucks for long-distance journeys. Additionally, obtaining permits and navigating regulations for electric trucks might be a complex process compared to diesel vehicles.

Overall, the Indian electric truck market is on the rise, but infrastructure development and streamlined regulations are crucial for wider adoption. 

Electric Trucks vs. Diesel Trucks: A Head-to-Head

Choosing between electric and diesel trucks boils down to a battle between environmental responsibility and operational practicality. Here’s a closer look:

  • Environmental Impact: This is where electric trucks truly shine. They produce zero tailpipe emissions, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

    Studies suggest electric trucks can achieve 60-70% lower CO2 emissions compared to diesel trucks over their lifetime [Source: International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)]. This translates to cleaner air and a healthier planet for everyone.
  • Cost Efficiency: Electric trucks offer the potential for significant cost savings in the long run. Here’s why:

    • Lower Running Costs: Electricity is typically cheaper than diesel fuel, leading to potentially 30-60% lower fuel costs for electric trucks. Imagine the impact on your fuel budget!

    • Government Incentives: The Indian government, through initiatives like FAME, offers subsidies and incentives for purchasing electric vehicles. This can help bridge the upfront cost gap between electric and diesel trucks.

  • Performance: While electric trucks boast environmental benefits, there are some performance considerations:

    • Range: Currently, the range of electric trucks in India might be lower than diesel trucks, especially for long distances. However, the technology is rapidly evolving, and the gap is expected to close in the coming years.

    • Charging Times: Filling a diesel truck takes minutes, while charging an electric truck can take hours. However, fast-charging infrastructure is being developed, and strategic route planning can mitigate this challenge.

    • Payload Capacity: In some cases, electric trucks might have a slightly lower payload capacity due to the weight of the battery pack. This is an area where manufacturers are constantly innovating to improve efficiency.

  • Maintenance: Electric motors have a simpler design compared to complex diesel engines. This translates to potentially lower maintenance costs for electric trucks in the long run.

The Verdict: Electric trucks might not be a one-size-fits-all solution yet, but the environmental and cost benefits are undeniable. As technology advances and infrastructure improves, electric trucks are poised to become a game-changer for the Indian trucking industry.

Why Go Electric? The Business Case for Electric Trucks in India

Making the switch to electric trucks might seem like a leap, but a strong business case lies beneath the environmental benefits. Here’s why electric trucks can be a smart investment for your company:

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Advantage: While the upfront cost of electric trucks might be higher than diesel trucks, consider the long run. Lower operating costs due to cheaper electricity can significantly impact your bottom line. Studies suggest a potential 20-30% reduction in TCO for electric trucks over their lifetime. 

This is because:

  • Fuel Savings: Electricity is a cheaper fuel source compared to diesel, leading to substantial savings on fuel costs.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Simpler electric motors require less maintenance compared to complex diesel engines, translating to lower service expenses.

Future-Proofing Your Business: The electric vehicle revolution is here to stay. By adopting electric trucks early, you’re not just being environmentally conscious, you’re also future-proofing your business.

Advancements in battery technology are happening rapidly, promising increased range and faster charging times for electric trucks in the coming years. Additionally, investments in charging infrastructure are growing, making electric trucks a more practical choice.

Leveraging India’s Renewable Strength: India has a strong focus on developing renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. This clean energy can be used to power electric trucks, creating a truly sustainable transportation ecosystem. By using electric trucks, you can reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to India’s clean energy goals.

Overcoming Challenges: Strategies for Success with Electric Trucks in India

The road to electric truck adoption isn’t entirely smooth, but with the right strategies, you can navigate the challenges and unlock the benefits. Here are some key tactics to consider:

  • Route Planning and Optimization: Maximizing range and minimizing downtime are crucial for electric truck success.

    • Analyze Routes: Study your typical delivery routes and identify areas where charging stations are available. Plan your routes strategically to ensure charging stops are incorporated efficiently.

    • Utilize Telematics: Telematics systems can provide real-time data on battery range and charging needs. This information can help you optimize routes and avoid unexpected downtime due to low battery.

    • Night-time Charging: Whenever possible, schedule charging during off-peak hours to potentially benefit from lower electricity rates.

  • Partnering with Charging Network Providers: The network of charging stations for electric trucks in India is growing, but strategic partnerships can give you an edge.

    • Collaborate with Charging Companies: Partner with charging network providers to ensure access to charging stations along your regular routes. This can provide peace of mind and minimize range anxiety.

    • Invest in On-Site Charging: Consider installing on-site charging infrastructure at your depot or warehouse. This can offer greater flexibility and control over charging schedules.

  • Government Incentives and Support Programs: The Indian government is actively promoting electric vehicle adoption, including electric trucks. Here’s how you can benefit:

    • FAME Subsidies: Explore the benefits of the FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles) scheme. This program offers subsidies on the upfront cost of electric vehicles, making them more affordable.

    • Stay Updated: Government policies and regulations regarding electric vehicles are constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest incentives and support programs to maximize your benefits.

By implementing these strategies, you can overcome the initial challenges and pave the way for a successful transition to electric trucks. Remember, the electric truck revolution is just beginning, and early adopters stand to gain a significant competitive advantage.

Early Leader: Ecom Express Paves the Way

Leading Indian e-commerce logistics company Ecom Express partnered with Mahindra Electric Mobility in 2021 to integrate electric trucks into their fleet (Source: Ecom Express press release). While the specific number of electric trucks deployed remains unavailable, this initiative demonstrates their commitment to sustainability and innovation


India’s transportation sector is at a tipping point. Electric trucks offer a breath of fresh air – zero tailpipe emissions, potentially lower costs, and a chance to be a sustainability leader. Challenges like charging infrastructure exist, but advancements and government initiatives are paving the way. 

Research electric truck options, develop a strategic plan, and embrace a greener future for your business and India. The electric revolution is here – are you ready to join?

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